Fri. Nov 18th, 2022

The Trump campaign is sending supporters begging emails to ask for more donations to fight the presidential election’s result in court.
Screenshots emerged on social media showing an email warning a subscriber the message would be their “last notice” after they “ignored all the emails asking to defend the election”.
The email, sent by Trump’s campaign, continues: “You’ve ignored Team Trump, Eric, Lara, Don, the Vice President AND you’ve even ignored the President of the United States.
“Tens of thousands of Patriots have stepped up for the very first time in the last 48 hours – why haven’t you?”
It comes as sources revealed the Trump campaign is plotting to raise at least $60 million (£45 million) to fund legal challenges over the US presidential election results.
President Donald Trump has claimed the Democrats are trying to “steal the election” and has called for some key battleground states, such as Georgia, to count “legal ballots” once again.
“From the beginning we have said that all legal ballots must be counted and all illegal ballots should not be counted, yet we have met resistance to this basic principle by Democrats at every turn,” he said in a statement released by his campaign.
Donald Trump has claimed Democrats are trying to ‘steal the election’ despite having no evidence (Image: REUTERS)
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The US president has also repeatedly tweeted about an alleged fraud by the Democrats over mail-in ballots, despite having no evidence of this – and Twitter has branded his comments as misleading.
As Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden edges closer to winning the White House, Trump’s campaign has filed lawsuits in several states, challenging the results of Tuesday’s presidential election.
A Republican donor who received solicitations from the campaign and the Republican National Committee said they are trying to raise $60 million to fund the lawsuits.
Two other sources told Reuters the campaign wanted as much as $100 million (£76 million) for the joint fundraising committee it maintains with the RNC.
The Trump campaign sent a ‘final notice’ as it raises money to fight the election in court
Since voting ended on Tuesday, the Trump campaign has sent out email and text solicitations alleging foul play and seeking donations – but have been unable to provide any evidence of the fraud they claim has happened.
“If you count the legal votes, I easily won. If you count the illegal votes, they can try to steal the election from us,” Donald Trump said while speaking in the White House press briefing room.
A Trump adviser, who wanted to remain anonymous, described the campaign’s legal strategy as chaotic, disorganised and a “disservice to the president”.
Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden is edging closer to winning the White House (Image: AFP via Getty Images)
The adviser added Trump seemed to have been caught by surprise by the election results and had not been prepared to embark in a legal fight.
The campaign has already lost court rulings in closely contested states including Georgia.
The former vice president overhauled the Republican incumbent’s leads by more than 9,000 votes in Pennsylvania and 4,235 in Georgia, where a recount has been ordered.
Counters could also be redeployed in Pennsylvania where a recount is expected under state law if there is less than half a percentage point between the two candidates.
Trump supporters gather at the Convention Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (Image: Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)
Joe Biden’s supporters gather in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (Image: AFP via Getty Images)
As Biden’s lead grew in Pennsylvania, hundreds of Democrats gathered outside Philadelphia’s downtown vote-counting site, wearing yellow shirts reading “Count Every Vote.”
In Pennsylvania, a court ordered election officials to set aside provisional ballots cast on Election Day by voters whose absentee or mail-in ballots were received on time.
Georgia, which the president won by more than 200,000 votes in 2016, has not been won by the Democrats since 1992.
Pennsylvania, Mr Biden’s birth state, was narrowly seized from the Democrats by Mr Trump in the last election.
Joe Biden along with his wife Jill Biden speaks during election night at the Chase Center in Wilmington, Delaware (Image: AFP via Getty Images)
Trump campaign senior advisor David Bossie, a prominent conservative activist who leads advocacy group Citizens United, has been chosen to lead the post-election legal challenges, according to a source familiar with Trump’s campaign strategy.
Bossie was part of a group of Trump loyalists who were in Las Vegas this week challenging the count in Nevada and is a fixture among Trump’s inner circle.
A Republican official said it was doubtful the strategy of challenging the ballot count in various states would produce a victory for Trump and added it was time for the president to “move on”.
The official said: “The math is what it is, you look at what it would take for a recount to overturn an outcome and we are well outside those numbers.
“This race is over, and the only person who doesn’t see it is Donald Trump.”
The Biden campaign on Wednesday launched a new “Biden Fight Fund” to help raise money for the legal battle, according to emails seen by Reuters.
Biden campaign manager Jen O’Malley Dillon in an email: “The president threatened to go to court to prevent the proper tabulation of votes.”
Mr Biden is preparing to address the nation after he took the lead in the key battleground states of Pennsylvania and Georgia in what could prove to be decisive moments in the election.