Sat. Nov 19th, 2022

WASHINGTON – US President Donald Trump on Tuesday, mocked the political stalemate in Israel, in which Israelis “keep having elections [but] nobody is elected.”
A video circulating in social media, shows another part of his remarks at a fundraiser event with supporters from the Orthodox community in New York, hosted by the America First Super PAC. The president joked that his rating in Israel is 98%, and “if anything happens here, I will take a trip over to Israel to run for prime minister there.”
A few hundred people attended the event and greeted Trump with a long round of applause, while chanting “four more years.”Addressing the political deadlock in Israel, he said that Israelis keep going to the ballot box with no clear winner. “What kind of a system is it over there?” Trump asked. “They are all fighting and fighting. We have different kinds of fights. At least we know who the boss is. They keep having elections, [but] nobody is elected.”
Trump mentioned his decision to move the US Embassy to Jerusalem, his recognition of the Golan Heights, and the decision to withdraw from the Iran nuclear agreement. Senior advisor to the president, Jared Kushner, and special representative for International Negotiations, Avi Berkowitz, attended the event as well.
The president also said that he is aware of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad’s missile attack on Israel. Earlier on Tuesday, Vice President Mike Pence tweeted that the US is standing by Israel. “The United States condemns the barrage of rockets on Israeli civilians,” Pence tweeted. “It’s clear Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad put violence ahead of bettering the lives of the people of Gaza. America strongly affirms Israel’s right to defend itself.”
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